Salesforce Lightning Configuration

The following configuration is required within SalesForce to add Phone Manager integration support.

  • Add Phone Manager as a Call Center Adapter
  • Add the Open CTI Softphone to required applications
  • Configure users to use the Phone Manager adapter

To perform each of the configuration steps below, you will need to be logged into the interface with a System Administrator account.

Add a Call Center Adapter to the Required Applications

A call center adapter needs to be added to each Salesforce application which requires Phone Manager integration.

To add an adapter, please follow these steps:

  1. Access the 'Setup' area


  2. Navigate to 'PLATFORM TOOLS\Feature Settings\Service\Call Center\Call Centers'


  3. Import the 'Phone Manager Lightning Adapter' XML file, Click to Download

  4. Press the 'Edit' link next to the newly created adapter

  5. Update the 'Application Suite API Key'1 and 'Application Suite API URL'2 properties

The CTI connection should now be configured and ready for use. These steps can be repeated to add the adapter to further Salesforce applications.

Application Suite API URL

The URL should be configured to point to the locally installed MiVoice Office Application Suite server. Salesforce requires an HTTPS connection to be used.




The Dial Plan settings in this configuration are NOT used by the Phone Manager Lightning Adapter. The Dial Plan settings configured within the Application Suite will be used when making calls.

Add Open CTI Softphone Utility Item

The Open CTI Softphone now needs adding to which ever Lightning application the Phone Manager adapter needs to be accessed from.

  1. Staying in the 'Setup' area, navigate to 'PLATFORM TOOLS\Apps\App Manager'


  2. A grid of Lightning applications should be displayed in the main area. Against an application, press the down arrow in the far right column and select 'Edit' from the menu


  3. The 'Lightning App Builder' should now be displayed. Navigate to 'Utility Items (Desktop Only)'

  4. If the 'Phone' option it not already visible, press 'Add Utility Item' and select 'Open CTI Softphone' from the list.

  5. Press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page then press '<- Back' in the top-right corner.

The Phone utility should now be added to the selected Lightning application. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for all Lightning applications which require the Phone utility to be exposed.


The Phone Manager Adapter will only work with Lightning applications, not Classic.

Add the Call Center Option to Users

Now that the Phone utility has been added to an application, users now need to be configured to use the adapter.

  1. Staying in the 'Setup' area, navigate to 'ADMINISTRATION\Users\Users'

  2. Select 'Edit' against a specific user

  3. Press the magnifying glass icon next to the 'Call Center' property and then select 'Phone Manager Lightning Adapter' in the form which opens


  4. Select the 'Save' option to save the settings against the user

The user should now be configured to use the adapter then next time they open the configured application.

This step can be repeated for each user who requires access to the Phone Manager Lightning adapter.

  1. This is the API key from the Application Suite configuration in the previous section. 

  2. Replace the text in brackets with the address of your server e.g