Screen Popping

Salesforce can use the information provided by the adapter to automatically find and load an Account or Contact record for the user. The adapter provides 3 options to control when this screen pop occurs:

  • Manual screen pop -> Requires the user to press a button to activate the pop when they require it
  • Screen pop on ringing -> Automatically attempts to screen pop as soon as a new call starts ringing the phone
  • Screen pop on answered (default) -> Automatically attempts to screen pop when a call is answered

Refer to the settings for more information.

Call Header

By default, the call header information will show the speed dial or caller name details of the call that are provided by the telephone system. If a single Salesforce match is found for the telephone number, the call header will be updated with the name of the matching company/contact.

Multiple Matches

If there are multiple Salesforce contact/company matches with the incoming caller, 'Multiple Matches' will be displayed in the call header. What happens when the screen pop occurs is down to the Salesforce softphone settings.

While on a call with multiple matches, if the a matching contact/company is opened by the user (either manually or through the screen pop search windows), the current call will be matched against the opened record and any task generated will be added to that record.

No Matches/New Contact

If there is no contact match with any Salesforce record, Salesforce can be configured to create a new contact when the screen pop is requests.


If you configure screen popping on ringing and configure Salesforce to create a new record on no match, the new contact window is modal and restricts access to Phone Manger which can stop the user being able to answer the call using the on-screen actions.